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Monday 5 June 2017

► World Environment Day June 5 , 2017

While you are travelling by public / private transport just have a look around and you will notice anti pollution masks and people suffering from lungs and other diseases caused from Environment pollution have increased significantly in last few years.

Today on the occasion of World Environment Day take a pledge to make this earth a better place to live and make our next generation live without any worry.

Google Doodle 5th June 2017
Take a pledge to plant at-least one tree. Let it be in your own garden or in any area of your own convenience,  let it be a smaller one or a larger one, one tree each person will make a difference also.

Take a pledge to decrease the Carbon Footprint. 

Take a pledge to get familiar with Eco-friendly stuffs and get rid of anything that harms mother nature.

A Native-American saying: “When the last tree is cut down, the last fish eaten, and the last stream poisoned, we will realize that we cannot eat money.”

I will not elongate this post with various stats and numbers. Though those are significant understanding the current condition, it will of no cause if we are not concerned about it. I think we all are aware enough about the scenario. So take some initiative to make the planet greener again.

Share with your friends and Try to increase awareness.

Live and let others live healthy.