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Tuesday 11 July 2017

► Terror attack at Anantnag (J&K) : Amarnath pilgrims killed

Another attack on HUMANITY

Innocent Lives Are Lost Again

Condolence to all the families who are affected

As per latest news (Police and Media), 7 Amarnath pilgrims are killed in this attack amongst which 5 are said to be women and many more are injured. Security is increased at the region and also security alerts are issued in different states to ensure religious non-violence. Several famous personnel and public figures have shown their concern regarding this inhuman activity.

As per media (
Times of India ) the internet is temporarily shut down in Jammu & Kashmir to avoid violence in this current scenario. PM Mr. Narendra Modi tweeted his concern and ensured security and assistance to deal with the situation.

The bus violated rules ( Source : Times of India )
The police and top government sources said the bus driver had violated rules for the pilgrimage, which state that no yatra vehicle should be on the highway after 7 pm as the security cover is withdrawn after that.

Whatever the situation is and whoever is (are) responsible for such a shameful act should not be allowed let go without any action taken against them. This is not an attack on any specific religion / cast / state. This is an attack on HUMANITY. This is an attack on INDIA. and we must stand strong to support all who have lost their beloved ones. We must not let go the people with criminal intent. Be united.  


Stay updated at Twitter : #AmarnathYatra

Last Updated at 12:00, 11 July 2017.