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Wednesday 30 December 2015

► Digital Photography Tips for Beginners, HDR & Digital Blending (Part-I)

Being a learner and a beginner in the vast field of photography I search for ideas and techniques to develop my skills, ideas and vision.
Sharing some of my ideas about the topic.

     In the field of digital photography we often come across two specific ways mainly to enhance the details of the photo taken via modern and sophisticated post processing tools available. These are named as

  1. High Dynamic Range (HDR)
  2. Digital Blending
Let discuss the basics of these two techniques.

  1. High Dynamic Range (HDR)
     HDR is the dynamic range of light / exposure that is captured in the photo, i.e. the Darkest of the Dark and the Lightest of the Light. When the subject is highly exposed ( using long exposure or higher ISO or any other combinations) the lighter parts of the photo get faded away while the darkest parts become well visible. Similarly when the Subject is low exposed ( using faster exposure or lower ISO or any other combinations) the darker parts of the photo get dark and dull while the lighter parts become prominent. So, the task is to keep a balance between these two extremes where both the darker parts and the lighter parts are well enhanced.
     The Process to obtain the HDR image it is desired to take multiple photos with different exposure for different part with discriminated lightning. This will give a bunch of photos where different parts of the subject are properly exposed to be a part of final processed image. This can be obtained by varying F stops (consider a range : +5 _____ 0 ____-5 for example). Later these images are to be merged together using post processing software and some more adjustments to obtain the final image with greater enhancements and details.
  • Example:
Mid Exposure ( ~ 0 ~ stop)

Higher Exposure ( + stop)

Low Exposure ( - stop)

These three photos are merged together to form a better detailed photo like below.

Merged and processed for better details.

     2. Digital Blending : 
     Digital Blending is allowing specific parts from multiple images to appear in the final photograph. For example say there are two images, one containing a well balanced view and details of the tree and other greenery but to obtain the image of this part the sky became over/under exposed and is not looking good, and in another one the sky and cloud are with details but the greenery and tree is under/over exposed. So, in digital blending process take the two images and keep them in different layers. Erase of the unwanted parts and reveal the desired detailed section of the part from the other layer.

  •  Example:

These two photos are merged and blended on certain parts to enhance the details. Though this example does not give good idea about the stunning effect that can be achieved by blending.

  • Required Equipment(s):
    1. Camera with manual settings to set different exposures. (Image Stabilizer will extend the performance) 
    2. Tripod / any steady platform to stabilize the camera while taking long exposure shots to avoid shakes and blur.
    3. Processing software.

I have used the following processing software(s) as per requirement:
  1. Adobe Photoshop
  2. AutoPano Giga
  3. Dynamic HDR
  4. Oloneo Photo Engine 

Drop your opinion in this context in the comment section bellow as we all know "sharing is caring".